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👀 Warner Brothers Discovery Associate Product Manager: Application to Offer – iykyk

Associate Product Manager @ Warner Brothers Discovery: Andrei Stoica

NYU, Portland, and Product Management

Hi there 👋 — Who are you and what’s your background?

Hi, my name is Andrei Stoica and I’m a current APM at Warner Brothers Discovery!

I recently graduated from NYU where I attended the Gallatin School, an individualized study college where I got to pick all of my own classes and name my major. I majored in Human Computer Interaction and Ethical Innovation Systems – at the intersection of tech, design, history, business and finance as it relates to startups and innovation. My interest in these topics started at my hands-on high school.

I grew up in Portland, Oregon, and after moving to NYC I dabbled in multiple fields – tech, VC, design, etc., and eventually found product management. This is how I got my start at Warner Bros. Discovery as an APM Intern.

Internship & Full-Time Structure

For those who are unfamiliar, how is the program structured and run?

The program has definitely changed a bit following the merger of Discovery and Warner Brothers, but here’s what I’ve experienced and my best guess of what it may look like:

Regarding the Internship, there is typically a group of interns from all around the world for PM, Engineering, and Data Science. Those interns get placed onto a team and work as a sort-of junior/associate product manager throughout the summer, and have the opportunity to present a project at the end.

For the APM program, it’s definitely dependent on the team. I’ve seen people have rotations like a typical APM program, but there’s not a blanket structure - it depends on you.

Mentors and Perks!

Is there anything the program landing page doesn't tell us about the program?

Yes, there’s a really strong support system starting from the internship and continuing into the full APM program. We each get mentors that we see pretty routinely, which is nice since they’re typically from a separate part of the business and can give you a fresh perspective.

There’s also some pretty cool perks, and during my program they ranged from getting to see movies early in the Hudson Yards Screening Rooms to volunteer opportunities relating to media or NYC – I got to clean books at the Brooklyn Book Bodega!

Interview Structure

What did your interview structure look like and what will it look like for this year?

For my internship, I had a Hirevue interview (behavioral type questions) followed by a basic phone screen and super-day.

During the super-day I interfaced with a mix of engineers and PMs, and answered case questions while getting to know some of the potential people I might work with in the future. I would also say, a lot of my interviewers genuinely seemed to care about getting to know me and my work style, and I really appreciated that.

For the APM program there were no additional interviews, and my team placement was based on a two way conversation of how I wanted to grow in my first few years as a PM and what the teams were looking for skills wise.

Unique Backgrounds and Passion Projects

What do you think made you stand out as an applicant and what recruitment strategies would you recommend to others?

I think I have a fairly unique background, and I believe a lot of people at WBD have that on the tech side. To give some more context I work within the advertising umbrella, and a lot of us joined a media company team because we're interested in stories.

As far as advice, I think highlighting why you want to work at Warner Brothers Discovery specifically compared to any other APM program will help you stand out. Saying you like movies and shows doesn't really make you stand out. If you have any relationship to the IP of WBD, or have worked on passion projects relating to media, definitely mention that! .

Salary Insights

What is the average starting salary for program participants?

While it can be location and role dependent, the U.S. has a roughly $100k starting, with a signing + yearly bonus at the end along with stock options.

Future Plans & Long Term Products

What’s your next play after graduating from this program? Has this program impacted your 5-10 year career plan?

Yeah, so right now I’m just excited to grow in this role while getting used to working on products with long timelines. Coming from 3-6 month internships in the past, it’s super cool to work on a product and think long term.

In the past as an intern I couldn’t impact the core too much in my short time working… but now that I'm managing the core experience of apps like TNT, TBS, HGTV, and TLC. I’m adjusting to working on bigger picture products where I’m managing the entire experience. It’s been really enjoyable so far, and I’m excited to see where everything goes in the next few years!



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